Tuesday I had decided that I was going down to Tri-cities to do a little shopping. The girls were in school so I just had Hazel, Myles, and Jace. My friend Kristen called me that morning and asked if I would cut her daughters hair, and in return I could leave Hazel to play with her 5 year old daughter Sara. I was so excited to be getting away with just the boys. I thought it would make things alot easier...Not so much. Four poopy diapers, nursing for an hour, and only finding one cute shirt for Jace, while chasing after Myles yelling for him to stop swooping all the nicely folded clothes off the tables at baby gap laughing like a little deamon, exhausted after only 3 hours, ready to give up, later, I received a text message from Kristen saying...soooo what do you think of Hazel with short hair? WHAT?! I quickly gave her a call. Apperently Hazel and Sara were playing really quietly in Sara's room. To quietly. Kristen went in to see what they were up to. They found a pair of safty sissors and decided that in order for them to look like twins they both needed hair cuts. Sara decided to cut Hazels hair like hers, oh and color it red with a marker so they would both have red hair. Then Hazel decided that Sara needed a hair cut too. I have to laugh through the tears. I have tried for so long to grow her hair out. What do you do? On the bright side I think Hazel is a way better beautition than Sara. Hazel definently got butched. She looked like she was a roady for Def Leapord. Mullet and all. I did my best to fix what I could but alot of it will just have to grow out. It was beyond repair. especially the 1/2 inch patch on the crown of her head, and both sides cut above her ears, oh, and the eyelashes. ha ha laughing ")
"The Mullet in all lts glory"
The new and "improved" Hazel
A Rose Garden Engagement Session
1 year ago
OMG!!! that is so funny...only cause it wasn't my child! you gotta love the mullet! you did a great job fixing it though! :) and next time you decide to take a little trip to shop...feel free to invite me...:)i'm at home with 2 kids everyday all day!
awwww, nice recovery!
Hee hee, her mullet sort of reminds me of...what was it...your 2nd grade picture? You guys could be TWINS!! Love the new haircut though and glad you could salvage it :) Sorry about your bummer shopping trip to Tri-Cities. Come to Spokane next time.
Oh how sad!!! You did an AWESOME job fixing it though!!! I would cry and cry.... and cry!! Luckily she looks cute with short hair :)
Awww crap. I dread the day Marlee or Kenna cut their hair.. because "that's what mommy does..." Yikes. Good save...
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