At 37 weeks my dr. had decided that for my and my baby sake, he was going to induce me. To be on the safe side he ordered an amniosynthesis (sp?). Tuesday the 7th Scott and I woke up early and got ready to head to Spokane to my perinatal specialist. I was having a few contractions which was to be expected since I was carrying so much amnioic fluid. I didn't think anything of it. We got to the appt at 9 and the dr did the amnio. He said that the results should be in around 4 today. They monitered me and my contractions for an hour as a saftey precaution since the amnio can put you into labor or break the water sac. The contractions were uncomfortable and still going strong. I asked the nurse to check me before they let me go because I was starting to feel alot of pain and it was an hour and fourty five minute drive home. She checked me and I was dialated to a 3-4. I told her my concerns and she went and talked to the dr. A couple of minutes later she came back and told me to hurry home and not doddle. ??WHAT?? Scott and I hurried home and thankfully made it to the hospital. When I got there they admitted me and I was at a good 4 I asked for an epidural. My dr. came in around 6 and broke my water.....there was ALOT of water! Around 4 the amnio results came back that the babys lungs were not developed. They had to medvac (helicopter) her back to Spokane! Lila Grace Ritchie entered this world at 8:30 that night. She was 8lbs 4oz. I was able to hold her for a few minutes then they rushed her off to Spokane. Scott stayed with me that night and we left the next morning for Spokane to see our new daughter. She was beautiful! The nicu team was so good to me and to Lila. Her lungs were fine dispite the amnio results but she was having apenic spells that concerned the dr's. They kept her for 2 weeks I stayed with my sister liz during this time. Scott was able to stay with the kids because he was on "maternity" leave. They finally sent her home on an apnea moniter. Sunday the 26th she was blessed by Scott in the Othello 2nd ward. Scott, my dad, grandpa Mitchell, Jared Carter, Sean Anderson, and Shane Provost. That week I took her to the dr. who said since she was doing so well that we could take her off the monitor.
On Saturday the 9th I noticed that Lila had been sleeping alot. later that day she started looking a little grey around the mouth and not eating as well as she had before. I called the dr and they advised me to put her back on the monitor and see what happens. she did fine till the night. All night the alarms went off. I took her to the emergency room early sunday morning. Othello Hospital monitered her for a few hours and decided they were not equipped to handle the symptoms she was having. They flew her back to spokane on the 10th. Lila was in the picu at Sacred Heart for a week and a half after finding out she had pertussis (whooping cough). This was a very trying time for me. She was so weak and helpless. Her stats would drop and there was nothing anyone could do but hope she came out of it on her own. It was really hard to watch her go through this. The pertussis got alot worse. after a week she was no longer contagious and she started taking baby steps to getting better. They let her go home on the 19th. She is on the apnea monitor for 3 months. Even though she is not contagious she will have symptoms of the pertussis for 100 days. Everyday is a little better. I am gratefull that she had the monitor to warn us of the things to come. I am so thankful she is home now safe and sound. We just love her to bits. The kids have been so much help and have adapted much better than I thought they would (especially the boys). I am so gratefull for all the prayers and service that was shown my family during this time. It means so much to me. I know my heavenly father was aware of us and blessed us through our friends and family. :)
A Rose Garden Engagement Session
1 year ago
We're so glad she is home and well. She is perfect. Love you all.
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