I forgot to mention a little story about Myles. Those of you who know Myles also know he as a fascination that is boarder line unhealthy with guns and shooting people. We try to keep him from shooting everyone and everything with his finger gun, however our feeble attempts are not as progressive as we would like. During our trip, he unholstered his finger gun and was shooting everyone, so I gave him a warning. He said "OKAAAAAY!" A few minutes later he was once again leading a massacre again. I looked at him and said "MYLES! Put your gun away!" He looked at me, his smile disappeared, his head hung low, and he walked across our hotel room with shoulders drooped. He walks up to the little table by the microwave, places his hand in the shape of his gun on the table holds it there for about 4 seconds, changes the shape of his hand (back to normal) and goes and sits down. We didn't have another "gun" incident for the rest of the afternoon. It was hilarious.
A Rose Garden Engagement Session
1 year ago
This is CLASSIC!! I Love it!!
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