Sunday, April 11, 2010

Edward Babak, This one's for you

So I got this interesting text message to night from a number I did not recognize.
Here is how it went.
"Who is This?"
"As in Cullen?"
"lol no Edward Babak"
"Well Edward Babak, I'm sorry you have the wrong number."
"who is this?"
-I do not respond-
He sends this

"Stellar Aviator glasses, my wife thinks they are adorable and thinks we should get a pair for our grandson."
"Is this Rosa?"
"Sorry kid, I don't even know a Rosa, have a good evening."
"Sorry, I got the wrong number."

All I have to say is I hope Rosa is everything Edward Babak is looking for and I hope he finds her. Thanks for some good laughs Edward!


Smelly Moose said...

AHAHAHAH! Thanks for the laugh!