WARNING: very personal post ")
Soon after Myles was born I had a strong feeling that there was two little spirits waiting still to come to our family. So a year later when we were expecting again I was prepared,excited even. I knew Jace was a boy and he was supposed to be with our family. My pregnancy with Jace was really difficult and scary. I had extra amniotic fluid and was retaining alot of water. At 37 weeks I measured at 43 weeks pregnant I was huge! I even amazed my doctor. The dr. decided to induce me a week early. Jace was born at 37 weeks but only measured gestationally 34 weeks. His lungs were underdeveloped. He stayed in Tricities for about a week in the icu. and they finally decided to let him come home. This was a really difficult time for me.
At my next drs appt I was talking to the dr. about birth control options and he stated concerns about my health and how scary Jaces birth was. I felt the same...It was scary.I am a type 1 diabetic mom who has had amazing luck in having 5 healthy kids. The Dr., Scott, and I all agreed that we needed to do something permanent to make sure that I was going to be around long enough to raise these kids. So a couple months later Scott went into the Dr. and made things "permanent". This was a very hard decision to make. Despite the risks I knew there was one more spirit waiting. I struggled and prayed and did alot of crying. Scott and I decided that in 5 years we would adopt and bring this spirit into our home that way. Scott had the surgery.
One day on my way to Tricities I was thinking about the situation and I kept on hearing "dont forget me" So I started to pray to my heavenly father. I told him that I needed to be around for my kids but I knew there was one more up there. I couldnt leave this spirit behind. I continued to talk to the lord about how we planned to brind another child into our family in a couple of years when we were in better living arrangements and finantialy able. to please help me find this spirit that is supposed to be with us. I felt comfort and peace that everything was going to be okay.
January came around and I started getting really tired in the middle of the day...I could barely keep my eyes open. I went to the dr and she said it was probably because I was exercizing to hard. My vitamin D was also really low. I continued life. soon my blood sugars started going crazy. I couldn;t keep them below 200 most of the time. Then I started to worry because I was "late". I tried to convince myself that it was anything else...it was "impossible" to be prego at this point. Things were "permanent". I had scott go one night and buy me a test, just to rule it out and put everyones mind at ease. It was positive. much to my and Scotts surprise. 3 months after being cut and soddered (sp?), his manhood found a way.
After the shock, amazement and bewilderment wore off, I have found that my prayers have been answered..maybe not the way I was expecting....but none the less he hears me and knows what is best. I am putting all my faith in him to help me and my family through this. It is scary. But I feel the lords love and I know I am doing what I was put on this earth to do...be a mother. I have a peace now more that ever that our family is complete. *sigh of relief* and not only complete...but forever.
Baby Ritchie #6 will join our family Sept 21, 2010. we will keep you all posted ")
A Rose Garden Engagement Session
1 year ago
What a great story, I wish you the best of luck and good health. If you need anything please, please, please let us know.
Holy cow Jen. That totally made me teary. Amazing. You guys are such amazing parents. I am thrilled for you and can't wait to see you again. My mom went through a similar situation with #4-me. She was warned not to have another, and when she got pregnant her Dr refused to treat her. Here I am, and my mom is one of my best friends. Moms just know!!!!! We are thrilled and hope to see you guys soon! XOXO
Wow!! Congrats! Hopefully this one goes a little easier! Very cool story!
Jen this is AMAZING!! Congratulations, and thank you for sharing this despite it being so personal. We will pray for your health.
What a beautiful post!! We will for sure pray for your health (and the babies) over the next several months!!
What a great post. Totally worth the 5 month wait for a new post. Ha, ha.
You are an amazing person and I've been so lucky and blessed to have known you all these years.
I only have one favor: When I leave your house after VT, and we ask the generic question, "Do you need anything?" PLEASE be honest if you do.
Wow, congratulations!! You're going to be a busy momma and I'm here to help. Really, I mean that!
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